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Page Revision: 2017/11/07 08:21

Order templates can be enabled from the main properties/Windows/order toolbar/order templates.


Click the order template button on your ladder to activate the template.


Then click the edit order template icon to edit or create a new template.


  1. Drop down to choose the template you wish to edit.
  2. Click this to delete the currently selected template.
  3. Click this to create a new template.
  4. Name: The name on the Template. Click on the value to edit the name.
  5. Template Type: The type of Template being used.
  6. Quantity Ratio: By checking off the ratio mode it is multiplying each leg by the current quantity selected, prior to order submission. Tip this will cause the slicer to multiply the total quantity (and therefore the quantity of each slice) by whatever the quantity is in the ladder.
  7. Quantity: the total quantity of the order. If a user wants to buy 2000 in 10 slices of 200 each, they would put 2000 here. Note that the box for Quantity Ratio will multiply this quantity by whatever is in the ladder. For example, if the user has 2000 in the Quantity setting for the slicer and also has 2000 as the quantity in his ladder, this will try to dump a total of 4,000,000 contracts in.
  8. Slices: how many slices (or separate orders) there are.
  9. Start Time: Click in the value area to edit. The time that the first slice is submitted to the exchange. This can be “current time” which means it is always submitted as soon as the order is placed in the ladder, or a set time.
  10. Time Span: The amount of time between the first and last slices.
  11. GTC: whether or not each slice is submitted as a GTC.
  12. Volume Deviation Percent: default of 5 percent. All this means is that if you have 1000 total quantity across 10 slices, your average slice quantity will be 100 +/- 5. In other words, add X% of the average slice quantity to get the maximum quantity of each slice and subtract X% of the average slice quantity to get the minimum quantity of each slice. Note that the overall quantity will remain fixed, in this case at 1000
  13. Time Deviation Percent: How far each order can deviate in time from the average interval as a percent. A slicer order with 3 slices a time span of 30 min and a QTY deviation of 0 percent would schedule orders in the intervals: Time +15 min, time +30min. A slicer order with 3 slices, a time span of 30 min and volume deviation of 20 percent may schedule orders in the intervals: Time +18min, time +33 min. 3 orders in 30 minutes has an average time interval of 15 min and a miximum deviation of +/-3(15*.2=3).
  14. Max Show Percent: This is calculated as a percent of each randomized order QTY. If you put anything besides 0 in here you’ll turn each slice into its own MX order. So if your average quantity is 100 and you set this to 1%, each slice will be an MX order with quantity 100 and max show of 1.
  15. Refresh: Clicking the refresh button gives you a new example in the lower half of the window. NOTE: when you click the refresh button it is randomly giving you a new example, and it will randomize it again every time you submit a new order.

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